ACC Navigator
The Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service has been established to help all whānau needing support to navigate ACC services. This service is independent of ACC and can offer regional based support so clients can access information and guidance, be confident, pro-active, and participate fully in achieving their “hauoranga” (wellbeing) in a culturally appropriate way.
- Located in or whakapapa to the region for the service and are or may be eligible for cover for personal injury
- Any person who has had a claim or entitlement declined by ACC and wish to understand or challenge the decision
- Any person who is already receiving ACC services
- Self-Referral
- GP or other medical providers
- ACC website or ACC staff
- Whānau
- Community Groups
ACC Navigator – Marissa Rahiri –
Mataora Mental Health Support Service
If you are experiencing mild to moderate distress, talk with our Mataora Support Worker for a safe space to Kōrero.
- No Judgement
- Open to all Ages
- Rangatahi (Youth) and Kaumātua (Elderly)
- All Ethnicities in the community
Mataora Mental Health service provides support to people in their time of distress by enhancing physical, spiritual, mental and emotional health to experience a sense of wellness.
Koroua and Kuia Support Service
Positive intervention for this age group can help to introduce healthier lifestyles and changed habits, enhancing positive social and functional activities of Koroua and Kuia.
Co-ordinator: Judy Harpur
Whānau ora Support Service
A Māori Community Health service providing a range of general health, education/promotion, advisory, liaison and coordinating activities.
- Management of Asthma/CORD
- Management of Diabetes
- Nutrition Advice
- Sexual Health Issues
- Smoking / Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Prevention of and screening for Breast/Cervical Cancer
- Hearing Loss
- Fitness / Mobility
- Immunisation / Disease Prevention
- Child Injury Prevention
- Maternity Care
- Contraception / Family Planning
- Advocacy
- Housing Support
Whanau Ora Support Service Co-ordinator: Claudine Stuart
BVQI Accreditation Programme
Scope of Supply – ISO 9001:2008 Whanau Ora Support Services, Kaupapa Alcohol and Other Drug Services and Koroua / Kuia Support Services.